Monday, December 31, 2012

Ring in the New Year...

Hello Lovelies,

Another year is upon us and I look forward to 2013 with anticipation and excitement. I'm not a big resolution person because during the year I'm usually very goal oriented. I have my big vision plans and the little hopes and wishes I try my best to do. Therefore, a New Year doesn't require grandiose promises but a continual commitment of what I plan to do for myself. One of my major goals that I try desperately to accomplish is writing longer stories. I want 2013 to be the year I actually push myself to cross over the 60,000 word mark and pen a tale of awesome epicness. 

As always I appreciate you all, dear readers, and wish you health, happiness, and hope that you receive all the joy and peace one human body can sustain. Be safe and a little crazy, because that's what I plan to do. 

*Raises glass in a toast*

Here's to us!!

Happy New Year,


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