So the sig other went camping this weekend and I had these grandiose ideas of wild partying and debauchery. I wasn't going to have to worry about all the disapproving rhetoric about not being single, we could save more money if I didn't drink as much, blah blah blah.
Here is an idea of just how wild and crazy I've gotten:
- 6pm-8pm: Happy Hour with Fan Club Member
- 8:30pm-10pm: Read some stuff, looked at my Facebook, and blah blah
- 10pm: Asleep with the cats
- Make plans to party into the night with platonic life mate
- 4pm-6pm: Got off early so decided to clean before the night of revelry begins
- 7pm-9pm: Started reading book two of Artemis Fowl series
- 9pm: Platonic life mate calls and says it's a no go on recapturing our youth through a night of drunken cavorting
- 9:30pm-11pm: Finish reading book two of Artemis Fowl series
- 11pm: Asleep with the cats
- Have to work in the morning but not letting it stop me from getting my groove on later
- 1pm-5pm: Bonding time at the beach with Mom (fingers crossed I don't have to drown her and devise a plausible alibi for law enforcement)
- 6pm-8pm: After a day at the beach (with Mom still alive and happy) start getting ready for a House Party at BFFs Families place. Super excited because this is where all the action is going to go down.
- 9pm-12pm: Eat, eat, and eat some more with drinking thrown in to keep me hydrated. Super fun until I get super tired and have to cut the all nighter short.
- 1pm: Asleep with the cats
Now it's Sunday and this is my last night to recapture the festivities of single dome. So the question is what to do, what to do?
Here is what I have done so far:
- 9am: Awoken by the sound of my cell phone ringing. Pick up annoyed that some idiot would call me on a Sunday before 11am, but not surprised when it's my Mom. Forced to wake up because she is in a panic her comb is missing (at this point I'm regretting having that bonding day). Have to get up and look for her comb. Surprise, surprise not here.
- 9:15am: Mom calls back (hysterical episode subsided) and informs me she found her comb
- 9:30am-11am: Asleep with the cats
- 11:30am-Now: Dithering around the house and surfing the net. Mom calls back at some point to ramble about her comb and sun block (random).
I feel this is all apart of the sig other's master plan since tricking me into this thing called matrimony. He is putting some type of agent in my food and water that makes me tired before the night has even started. I refuse to believe this has anything to do with me aging and not quite up to par with partying into the wee hours of the morning. So to prove the point I am going to call up my BFF, devise an elaborate plan that includes copious amounts of alcohol and plentiful eye candy.
So take that Mr. Sig Other and your tricky ways!
*Note: I'm actually quite bored and miss him. Hurry home!!!